Latest News :
- 10 Feb 2011:
- released version 1.0.2
- 21 May 2010:
- released version 1.0.1
Bibliography :
Implementing software
product lines using traits
Lorenzo Bettini, Ferruccio Damiani, Ina Schaefer.
Proceedings of the 25th ACM symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010). Sung Y. Shin, Sascha Ossowski, Michael Schumacher, Mathew J. Palakal, Cheng Hung (Eds.). pp. 2096-2102. ACM. 2010. abstract bibtex
Lorenzo Bettini, Ferruccio Damiani, Ina Schaefer.
Proceedings of the 25th ACM symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2010). Sung Y. Shin, Sascha Ossowski, Michael Schumacher, Mathew J. Palakal, Cheng Hung (Eds.). pp. 2096-2102. ACM. 2010. abstract bibtex
SWRTJ: a programming language with traits and records
SWRTJ is a Java-like language where units of
objects' functionality are modeled by traits and by records (a
construct that complements traits to model the state part of objects).
We provide a stand-alone compiler as well as an Eclipse text editor, with standard IDE functionalities (syntax highlighting, code completion, outline, building, etc.). All software is GPL.
Records and traits are assembled in classes that are instantiated (as usual) to build objects. The composition of records and traits is realized by explicit operators of the language, allowing code manipulations for achieving fine-grained code reuse.
Now SWRTJ should be setup and ready, and you can follow the documentation/tutorial.

We provide a stand-alone compiler as well as an Eclipse text editor, with standard IDE functionalities (syntax highlighting, code completion, outline, building, etc.). All software is GPL.
Records and traits are assembled in classes that are instantiated (as usual) to build objects. The composition of records and traits is realized by explicit operators of the language, allowing code manipulations for achieving fine-grained code reuse.
You can download the sources and binaries (released under GPL), from the SourceForge site.- The stand-alone command line compiler can be run simply by the
command line specifying the name of the input file(s); the Java files
will be generated in the directory src-gen. E.g.,
java -jar swrtjcompiler-1.0.2.jar Main.swrtj
The jar is self-contained, so no other Java package is required.
- For the installation of the Eclipse plugin for the SWRTJ IDE see the next section (the plugin includes the compiler)
- The source code can be obtained through the svn repository
svn co swrtj
SWRTJ is implemented in Xtext, in particular, using the latest stable version (1.0.1). Here are the steps to have the right version of Xtext:- Download the eclipse product available from here (the Helios release) for your operating system, version Xtext 1.0.1, unpack it and run it.
- Now you can install the SWRTJ plugin, either by downloading the zip file and extract it into the eclipse folder, or by using the update site (which we reccomend) as follows:
- Add the update site for SWRTJ,
- and select the SWRTJ feature, install it and restart eclipse
Now SWRTJ should be setup and ready, and you can follow the documentation/tutorial.